


Welcome to Peter’s Power Washing Services, your premier choice for expert power washing in Evanston, Illinois. I'm Peter, the owner, and I'm passionate about delivering exceptional services that breathe new life into your home or business. With a commitment to excellence, we bring specialized techniques and advanced equipment to ensure your property looks its absolute best.

Residential Power Washing

Your home is more than just a structure; it reflects your lifestyle. Our residential power washing services are tailored to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property while maintaining its value. Imagine pulling into your driveway and being welcomed by a pristine exterior. That's the transformative power of our residential power washing.

Our team understands the unique challenges the Evanston, IL, climate poses to residential exteriors. From siding covered in grime to driveways stained by weathering, our expert technicians employ high-pressure washing to rid surfaces of dirt, mold, and pollutants. It's not just about a clean exterior; it's about creating a welcoming environment for you and your loved ones.

Power washing is the key to restoring and maintaining the beauty of your Evanston residence. Trust us to deliver outstanding results, ensuring your home remains a source of pride in the community.

Pressure Washing Concrete Surfaces

Driveways and sidewalks often bear the brunt of foot traffic and vehicle wear. Our pressure washing for concrete surfaces solves unsightly oil stains, accumulated dirt, and discoloration. Rediscover the beauty of your pathways with our environmentally friendly and high-powered cleaning techniques.

Evanston, IL, residents value the appearance of their homes, and our pressure washing services for concrete surfaces are aimed at helping you maintain that curb appeal. Whether it's a welcoming pathway to your front door or a well-kept driveway, our power washing services ensure your property makes a positive impression.

Power washing is the secret to pristine pathways and driveways. Let us transform your concrete surfaces and boost the overall appeal of your Evanston home with our expert services.

Commercial Power Washing

First impressions matter, especially in the competitive business landscape of Evanston, IL. Our commercial power washing services are designed to make your business stand out. Whether you run a storefront, office building, or commercial facility, our team is equipped to provide thorough and efficient power washing that leaves a lasting impression on your clients and customers.

From sidewalks to signage, our attention to detail ensures that every inch of your commercial space is revitalized. Boost the professional image of your business with our commercial power washing services – because a clean exterior is a powerful statement.

Enhance the curb appeal of your Evanston, IL business with our expert power washing services. Our experienced team knows how to make your commercial property shine, attracting customers and conveying an image of professionalism.

House and Building Washing

Evanston, IL boasts a diverse architectural landscape, and our house and building washing services are tailored to accommodate the unique needs of each structure. Using the soft washing approach, we gently yet effectively remove contaminants, ensuring a refreshed look without compromising the structural integrity of your property.

From brick houses to wooden structures, our team understands the intricacies of different building materials. House and building washing are not just about appearances; it's about preserving the longevity and integrity of your property.

Trust Peter’s Power Washing Services. We bring expertise and care to every project, ensuring your property in Evanston, IL stands out in terms of both beauty and durability.

Roof Washing

Your roof is your property's first line of defence against the elements. Over time, it can accumulate unsightly moss, algae, and debris. Our roof washing service, using gentle soft washing techniques, not only restores the appearance of your roof but also extends its lifespan.

Evanston, IL weather patterns can be harsh on rooftops, and neglecting them can lead to costly repairs. Our specialized roof washing services are designed to protect your investment by ensuring your roof remains not only visually appealing but structurally sound. Trust us to safeguard the crown of your home. Invest in the longevity of your property with Peter’s Power Washing Services.

Washing Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding is a popular choice for its durability and low maintenance, but it still requires proper care. Our soft washing approach to vinyl siding ensures a thorough clean without compromising its longevity. 

Evanston, IL homes come in various styles, and our team understands the specific needs of vinyl siding. With our soft washing techniques, we remove dirt, grime, and mold, leaving your vinyl siding looking vibrant and well-maintained. Invest in the long-term beauty of your property with our specialized services.Trust Peter’s Power Washing Services for quality and care.

Fence Washing

Fences, though often overlooked, contribute significantly to the overall appearance of your property. Our low-pressure fence washing removes debris, revitalizing its appearance while maintaining its strength and structure. Give your property the perfect finishing touch with our fence washing services.

Evanston, IL, residents take pride in their homes, and a clean fence adds the perfect finishing touch to your property's exterior. Our fence-washing services are designed to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal while ensuring the longevity of your fencing. Trust Peter’s Power Washing Services to bring out the best in your outdoor space.

Window Cleaning

Clear windows are a gateway to the outside world, and our professional window cleaning services guarantee a streak-free, spotless view. Natural light brightens your interiors, creating a positive and inviting atmosphere.

Evanston, IL, residents appreciate the importance of well-maintained homes, and clean windows are a crucial part of that equation. Whether it's removing fingerprints, dust, or water spots, our window cleaning services at Peter’s Power Washing are designed to provide clarity and transparency, both literally and figuratively.


Image of Peter's Power Washing cleaning windows on a two story house.

Get a Free Power Washing Quote

Curious about the transformative power of our services? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation power washing quote. Our team will assess your needs, provide personalized recommendations, and offer a transparent quote for our services.

Investing in the beauty and longevity of your Evanston property starts with a clean exterior. Let Peter’s Power Washing Services be your partner in this journey. Experience the impact of professional exterior cleaning and witness your property shine like never before. Optimize your property with our power washing services. Contact us for a free quote, and let us show you the difference of Peter’s Power Washing Services can make.

Image of a gutter cleaning. You can see a gutter with water dripping off.

Choose Peter’s Power Washing Services for Your Exterior Cleaning

  • Is power washing safe for all surfaces?

    While power washing is superb for hard surfaces, softer materials might be better suited for the gentle touch of soft washing to prevent unintended damage.

  • How often should I have my property power washed?

    An annual cleaning for most surfaces is advisable. Areas with high traffic might benefit from bi-annual cleanings.

  • Does power washing use a lot of water?

    Though it seems water-intensive, power washing can be more water-efficient than traditional cleaning methods due to its effectiveness.

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